ArOmis Nebulizing Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffusers


The ArOmis Nebulizing Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffusers are an air jet style nebulizer that ensures the best therapeutic experience when diffusing essential oils. ArOmis is proud to offer the best glass aroma diffusers available in the market. Made only of high quality glass and finely polished natural wood, you can see that their designs help the flow of essential oil vapors along the curves of the glass. This design ensures that the delicate active constituents of the essential oils stay intact giving you the most aroma therapy benefits! ArOmis diffusers do not use heat or water to function, keeping the essential oil in its natural state as it becomes a mist. Unlike most other diffusers, ArOmis does not contain plastic parts that would corrode when in contact with the oils. With proper care, your diffuser can last for many, many years! These units make amazing and memorable gifts as they are stunningly beautiful, hand-blown pieces of functional art. They are also perfect for spas, massage studios, yoga studios, or for anyone who wants their 30′ x 30′ space filled with essential oil aroma.

How it Works
ArOmis diffusers are an air jet style nebulizer. It uses a small air pump inside the base to create pressure in the small tubes inside the nebulizer bottle which pull up small drops of oil which are hit by the air and vaporize. The large drops of oil hit the wall of the bottle and drop back down into the oil reservoir and the smallest droplets become vapor that floats up and out into the air.

Some key points about what differentiates these diffusers.
1. Materials
What the diffuser is made of makes all the difference. Essential oils are strong and can have really devastating effects on plastics. Plastics also have a reactive effect on essential oils so its bad in both directions. Releasing poisonous hydrocarbons is the last thing someone would want when trying to use essential oils. Making a diffuser out of plastic is quite simply a mistake. The entire essential oil chamber is made completely of glass and the entire base is made of a single piece of hand turned wood.
2. Temperature
Oils should stay cool and not be heated by a candle or a lamp. Heating essential oils will change the chemical nature of the oils and often destroys the most subtle and powerful therapeutic components. Our ArOmis diffuser does not use heat, just cool air to create vapor. This is the best method by far.
3. No carrier
Most cheap plastic diffusers use water as a carrier

The timer cycles the ArOmis

If you’re not sure what timer to choose? Then most likely, the 4hr unit will work for you.  Most standard use applications make the 4hr the best choice otherwise see the other explanations when to choose the other timer options. How does the cycle on the timer work? Basically, its turns on and off every 10 min for the selected period; either 1, 4 or 8 hours. The 12 hr continuous runs for 12hrs without cycling.


Example of 4hr Timer:


Options and explainations

  • 10min on/off – Total 1 hour runtime:
    • This is best for massage therapy and medical professionals who’s diffusers only need to be used for short sessions in a small space.
    • Classrooms and other work spaces where the user may only want the unit to run for a short time.
  • 10min on/off- Total 4 hour runtime:
    • Best for Standard applications in home and work spaces. Most people are not in one space for more than 4 hrs and the most effective period of use of a single aroma is typically under 4 hrs as well.
    • Night or Sleep. The most important period to use essential oils for sleep is during the period that is  most difficult to fall asleep which is the first 1 to 4 hrs of the rest cycle.
  • 10min on/off – Total 8 hour runtime:
    • Day or Night use for medical or therapeutic application needing constant exposure.
    • Large spaces needing all day diffusing; retail shops; dentist offices; etc.
  • Continuous operation – 12 hour total runtime:
    • This is a manual unit designed for when the user wants full control. The unit has a 12hr safety shut-off only and does not cycle on and off.
    • This unit is particularly good for nigh use as some light sleepers may startle when the the unit shuts on and off every 10 min.
    • With the use of a lamp timer to have custom timer control. Being that this unit just stays on, the timer can be overridden by using an external lamp timer. The lamp timer will cycle the unit on and off based on the power to the unit being turned on and off.

Additional information

Weight 17 oz
Dimensions 7 × 4 × 10 in

Orbis Lux Merus, Orbis Lux Eros, Orbis Lux Vitis, Orbis Nox Merus, Orbis Nox Vitus, Orbis Nox Eros, Solum Lux Merus, Solum Lux Vitis, Solum Lux Eros, Solum Nox Merus, Solum nox Vitis, Solum Nox Eros


10min on/off – 1 hour runtime, 10min on/off – 4 hour runtime, 10min on/off – 8 hour runtime, Continuous operation – 12 hour runtime


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