Organic Lean Mean Machine


Reduce bloating, detox, balance & control sugar cravings, promote healthy weight *

Organic Lean Mean Machine is a specially formulated tea crafted to help shed extra pounds, detox the body, and revitalize the systems by eliminating stagnation and supporting the body to work efficiently.*


  • Curb sugar cravings
  • Reduce sweet taste (1.)
  • Burn fat as fuel
  • Detox, Cleanse, Tone, Strengthen, & Balance
  • Reduce stress

100% Eco-friendly and biodegradable packaging!

Tasting notes

Sweet, herbaceous

Size: 21 cups |.60oz | 17.00g

All Certified Organic, Certified Kosher, and Fair trade Ingredients: Cleavers (Galium aparine), Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale fol.), Chickweed (Stellaria media), Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre), Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica)

Directions: Pour one cup of boiling water over one teaspoon of tea. Let steep for 5-10 minutes, strain, and enjoy! Drink one-two cups a day. Each teaspoon can be steeped twice!

Storage: Store in an airtight container once opened in a cool dry dark location.

Botanicals Selected for Specific Therapeutic Properties*

Gymnema – Supports healthy body weight and blood sugar levels. Curbs sugar cravings by suppressing the ability of the taste buds to recognize sweet tastes. Delays the absorption of simple sugars in the intestinal tract. Encourages the body to use fat as fuel.

Cleavers – A Lymphatic tonic, cleavers have a supportive and stimulating effect on the lymph. The herb increases drainage and the removal of toxins and helps maintain the immune system. It also has a toning and cleansing action on the kidneys and urinary tract. It is able to relieve stagnation and is highly purifying. The diuretic action reduces water weight and stimulates elimination. Aids detoxification and supports liver functions releasing toxins from the body more efficiently. Blood purifier.

Chickweed – The diuretic action reduces water weight and stimulates elimination. Curb cravings, assist digestion, and promote weight loss. Promotes the breakdown of fat molecules. Blood purifier and nutritive. Healing and soothing to the skin.

Gotu Kola– As a circulatory stimulant Gotu kola improves the flow of blood while strengthening the walls of blood vessels. It is a rejuvenating nervine, antidepressant, and helps to fortify the immune system and strengthen the adrenals. Gotu Kola helps detox the liver, purifies the blood, and is a great tonic. Fun fact, it is also an aphrodisiac!

Dandelion – Supports the body in detoxification, and is a nutritive, liver tonic, and blood purifier. Stimulates digestion and is high in antioxidants.


Always consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications. *These statements are for educational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Discontinue use if unusual symptoms occur. Gymnema can alter the way sweet and sugary foods taste. Do not exceed serving recommendations. Please note: this tea is meant to be an addition to an active and healthy lifestyle to support the body. 

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 10 × 4 × 1 in


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